Growing chambers & demo status

Wanting to share some longer thoughts on the development of my game I figured Twitter wouldn’t do any longer, and so I made this blog. It will consist mostly of breakdowns of the technical aspects of the game but probably some other stuff as well.

The game itself is in a pretty good state right now. I’ve held out on recording another video as I’ve been working mostly on necessary stuff that I’ve put off for long, like core gameplay systems and editor tools. Right now I’m in the middle of a performance pass after having added some new graphical features (which I will be making a post about) and I’m happy with how the game looks and feels. I recently added enemy fighter AI which turned out to be really fun to go up against. I’ll be making a post and video about that as well after I’ve completed some work that remains to be done.

I had set a goal of releasing a demo at the end of august, but I’ll have to delay that by about a month to ensure that it is a smooth enough gameplay experience. The demo will consist of a short mission with both air-to-ground and air-to-air combat, and I will be using it to gather some input on how the game feels and runs. I don’t want to make any promises that it will be released in September but I’m confident it will be out around that time, so please look forward to it.
