
This is the development blog of the flight combat game UHawk VR, and is mostly a place for posts too long for twitter.

For more info on the game, check out the posts in the blog or the links in the sidebar.

10 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello old friend. Its been a while and just wanted to check in and see how you are doing. Ive been spending 4 to 6 hours a day in AcesHigh III VR. They did a great job with the wwii planes. If you ever need a tester, hit me up.


    1. Thanks! I am using Unity with a floating origin system to get around the single-precision limitations which, would otherwise make it impossible to create a flight simulator/game of this scale.

  2. Just stumbled upon this amazing work! Would love to talk more about what your plans are for the future of this project. If you have some time, I know as a dev that’s always a struggle, could you hit me up for a quick chat? Cheers and keep up the amazing work.

  3. This is a great project. Have you thought of having sound and music specifically designed for it?
    My researches are on these stuffs and it would be nice to have something really fun like this to try with. The game looks really awesome, seriously.

  4. Hey, I stumbled upon your work and it looks amazing! I was just wondering what kind of performance you were getting with those clouds?

    But mainly I just wanted to know if this project was still moving forward! Is there a discord or subreddit? Or is this the best place to follow progress? I only ask because it looks like the last update was some time ago.

  5. Are you available to build a cloud system for me? I need someone with your experience to improve the one I have. Please let me know if your interested in helping me improve my custom render engine.

    I can offer you $1000 for your services if you don’t mind helping me.

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